I am ready for a good old fashion “Summer Break”!  How about you?   To help get you in the spirit, here are a few quotes, to remind us to enjoy a little vacation, have fun and give yourself permission to be “off the grid”!

“Every man who possibly can should force himself to a holiday of a full month in a year, whether he feels like taking it or not.” —William James

American Flag

“Don’t skip your vacations and breaks. Spend your breaks meditating, praying or reading. Don’t bring work or your laptop with you on vacation.” Yasmeen Abdur-Rahman

“A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in.” Robert Orben

“You don’t need to spend a lot of money to have a vacation….enjoy the simple things in life.”  —Catherine Pulsifer


Wishing you all a wonderful 4th of July holiday weekend and a fantastic Summer!  I have booked  a “stay-cation”!  No travel!   Super excited about being home!

-Terri Sjodin