If you were to “judge” the debates based on the three fundamental criteria in Small Message, Big Impact – Case, Creativity, Delivery… Who won? (For more info see SMBI, Chapter 4- It’s Not One Thing, it’s Three Things)
1. Case — Did the Candidate build a solid, persuasive case, employing clean, logical arguments and evidence to support their points. (Winner: Romney)
2. Creativity — Did the Candidate offer illustrations of the talking points in a fresh and creative way? Did they blend thoughtful analysis and/or interesting messages that Americans can really relate to? (Winner: Romney)
3. Delivery —Did the speaker connect? Did they present their message in their own authentic voice. (Winner: Romney)
Terri’s Debate Score card – Debate Winner: Romney
Just a debate review, no need to make this political, just a presentation assessment. *
*Note: I have complimented Obama’s delivery in the past… but last night of the two candidates Romney won in all three areas: Case, Creativity and Delivery. Let’s all try to leave our party politics out of it and evaluate this debate and future events thru the lens of a nonpartisan debate judge.
Just a thought… TS
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