I just got back home from meetings in Minneapolis, MN this week, traveling quite often for work is a normal part of my job, and I spend my fair share of time in airport shops and bookstores. I must confess I have been hoping to someday walk in and see my new book inside a local OC airport bookstore. Well, after weeks of it “not happening on its own” — I made the effort to reach out to the appropriate John Wayne Airport Hudson bookstore manager and introduce myself. I shared my story and asked him if he would consider contacting his book distributor and carrying my book in the stores. The good news is he said “yes” he would look into it.
On Monday, I walked into the store to grab a newspaper, and see if maybe…. At first I thought, nope…not yet — and then, I saw it…peaking at me from the bottom corner under a book display table –So fun! Okay, I know it’s on the bottom shelf, and pretty hard for people to see, but we made it…we are in there. 🙂 I got my baby book toe in the door….and hopefully lots of little wins will add up to big wins in time right?! All I can say today is…sometimes being on the bottom shelf is pretty cool. Oh, and next time you’re at John Wayne airport, please pick up a copy of SMBI at a Hudson Bookstore! TS
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