Just a fun little Scrappy share…


(39 seconds)

This video project started as a quirky brainstorming idea to help promote the book during the holidays last year and it grew from there. To actually put it all together took a team of creative people. I reached out to some friends in my network and with their help, it turned into this cute little 38 second video. (Here’s your takeaway: Scrappy efforts get better when you share your ideas with others and elicit their advice, support, and talent to make something happen.) We are bringing it back by popular demand.

A big thank you to my dear friend, “Santa” Ed Taylor, and to Tony, PJ and the team at VWise for adding their magic to the clip.

We’ve been getting lots of great feedback, emails, and notes on it. Here’s a favorite from one of my best friends, the fabulous Ms. Joey Walker-Bialek. She said:

Rob [Joey’s husband] was playing the video in front of Sienna [their young daughter], she looks at me and said, “Momma, Terri knows Santa!” I said, “Yes, they are really good friends.” She was amazed!

Even though the Santa video is a bit kitschy, I think it speaks to the holiday spirit and connects with our tribe in a different way. Just like you, I am trying to find fresh, creative, and fun ways to put new spins on  promoting our products and services. Stayin’ scrappy! 🙂

Happy Holidays!


P.S. Help Santa put Scrappy in everyone’s stocking! It’s not too late to order Scrappy for your team, associates, family, and friends. We can make your holiday shopping easy! Just call Katelyn here at Sjodin Communications at: (949) 723-3132, ext. 200. We are here to help! Or visit www.scrappy-thebook.com

P.S.S. If you would like to have Santa endorse your products or services, feel free to reach out to “Santa” Ed Taylor at: Santa@SantaEd.com