Presentation Mistake #5 in New Sales Speak Second Edition is “Failing to Close the Sale”.  Despite tons of attention and ideas on various closing techniques that sales professionals can use to encourage prospects to buy, one of the biggest mistakes people make today is failing to close at the end of their presentations.

After giving a presentation that is not only informative but persuasive as well, why would we shoot ourselves in the foot by not closing?  Perhaps it is because we mistake a “conclusion” for a “close”.  A conclusion is a wrap-up, usually a summary- an end to what we have been discussing.  A close employs the specific call to action.  The close tells our listeners what we want them to do next with the information we have given them.  What is your goal?  What do you want them to do as a result of hearing this message?

Whether you are in an interview and asking for a job, an interoffice presentation where you need to call for an action step as a result of the meeting, or a traditional sale with a potential prospect, the point is you have to close.  Give yourself permission to ask the listener to do something at the end of every presentation.  Do it gracefully and with your own personal style and flair…but do it!  Trust me, it’s an integral part of completing a persuasive presentation and you might realize just how easy it really is and how incredible the rewards can be!