Here are 10 quick tips that can help you use the elevator speech strategy and share your message more effectively:Share your message

  1. Define your intention. What do you want to happen as a result of your three-minute elevator speech?
  2. Examine your scenario. Is this talk for a planned or a spontaneous situation? Preparing accordingly can help you earn the right to be heard.
  3. Draft your core outline. Think about your message, your goals, your creative ideas and your persuasive arguments. Structure must be paired with progression. Your listeners want to know that you’re heading somewhere as you build up to your conclusion and close.
  4. Build your case. Explain to listeners why they need you, your product or service; why they need to join your effort; and why now. Provide valid reasons and proof so your arguments pass the “So what?” test.
  5. Don’t forget to close. Present your prospect with a clear directive and a respectful call to action. Ask for that next appointment, follow-up call or meeting. Make it easy and painless for the listener to take the next step with you.
  6. Get creative. Do your homework on your audience or prospects, crafting an approach that speaks directly to their needs. Ramp up your creative nature and customize your talk to dazzle your prospects; give them a reason to want to meet with you again.
  7. Speak in your own voice. Try a conversational approach that allows you to be comfortable and true to yourself and your personality. Communicate your experience, vision and excitement directly—in a way that only you can.
  8. Write it out. Write out the long version and recite it. Then transfer your core outline and key points and phrases to an index card.
  9. Practice, practice, practice. Review your elevator speech again and again until it feels like a natural part of your everyday communication.
  10. Use it! Any elevator speech is only effective if you use it!


Terri Sjodin is the author of Small Message, Big Impact. For more information click here.

If you have 75 seconds, go check out the Small Message, Big Impact book trailer and see what the buzz is all about!